
Relaxing whilst doing Competition Law is not an Oxymoron

Archive for November 22nd, 2010

A day in my (professional) life

with 4 comments

Not much to report today, so here’s a full account of my day (I admit this is of limited interest for our readers, but (i) I have little inspiration today, and (ii) it will at least prove that some academics do work).

5.00 am: wake up call.

6.00 am-10.30 am : draft a paper on the new EU framework on vertical restraints (which I co-write with my friend and colleague David Henry).

10.30 am-11.00 am: answer to emails and call with my secretary at university.

11.00 am-11.45 am: read a paper on trademarks and antitrust law.

12.30 am-2.30 pm: lunch with JJ Evrard, re. possible conference on trademarks and antitrust law in early March.

2.45 pm-3.30 pm: answer to emails.

3.30 pm-5.00 pm: review outline of Elise Provost doctoral thesis.

5.00 pm-5.30 pm: call with Elise.

5.30 pm-6.30 pm: prepare annual meeting of the GCLC scientific council.

7.00 pm-10.00 pm: annual meeting of the GCLC scientific council.

10.30 pm : s***t, I forgot to post shting on the blog…

Probably less than most private practitioners, but still a pretty busy day after all.

PS1: the dominant OS for PCs turned 25 a few days ago.

PS: We still have a few seats for tomorrow’s Evening Policy Talk with D. Neven. Please drop me a line if you want to participate.

Written by Nicolas Petit

22 November 2010 at 11:51 pm

Posted in Uncategorized